
Friday, November 23, 2012

directly experiencing emotion....

I have been reading steadily on the energies of what we humans call “difficult emotions” and the process of the rising thoughts that always accompany them. There are a great many brilliant teachers who speak on this subject. Grace has gifted me with their words as a support for my own internal work. One of my favourite is Gangaji. She touches me with her truth. This quote from her “Diamond in my pocket” cd, is one of my favourite teachings. I am sitting in my office, looking out into the forest… is warm, damp and quiet….a perfect time to share. I am sorry if it seems long. I trust you will quit when you have had enough.
“The questions I am most frequently asked are related to the emotions. Many people seek to be free from difficult emotions, which are anger, fear, and grief…..and seek the more pleasant emotions…….such as joy, happiness and bliss. The usual strategies for achieving happiness involve either repressing or expressing negative emotions in the hope that they will be pushed from sight or released. Unfortunately, neither way reflects the truth of one’s inherent self, which is an unmoving purity of being…..that exists deeper than any emotion and remains unaffected by any emotion. There are certainly times when it is appropriate to repress or express an emotion. But there is also another possibility, to neither repress or express. I call this direct experience.
To directly experience any emotion, is to neither deny it nor to wallow in it….and this means that there can be no story about it…..there can be no story line about it…..who it is happening to, why it is happening, why it should not be happening, who is responsible, or who is to blame. In the midst of any emotion, so called negative or positive, it is possible to discover what is at the core. The truth is that when you really experience any negative emotion, it disappears. And when you truly experience any positive emotion, it grows and is endless. So relatively, there are negative and positive emotions, but in inquiry, only positive ones……that is the positivity that is absolute consciousness. Because there is not much in our culture that confirms this amazing revelation, we spend our lives chasing positive emotions and running from negative emotions. When you fully experience any negative emotions with no story, it instantly ceases to be. If you think you are fully experiencing an emotion and it remains quite intense, then recognize that there is still some story being told about it……how big it is….how you will never be able to get rid of it….how it will always come back….how dangerous it is to experience it. Whatever the story of the moment may be, the possibility of postponing direct experience are endless.
For instance, when you are irritated, the usual tendency is to do something to get rid of the irritation, or to place blame either on yourself or someone or something else… the cause of the irritation. Then the story lines around irritation begin to develop. It is actually possible to do nothing with the irritation. Do not push it out of awareness or try to get rid of it, but to directly experience it. In the moment that irritation arises, it is possible to be completely, totally, and freely irritated without expressing it or repressing it. Direct experience often reveals a deeper emotion. Irritation is perhaps just a ripple on the surface. Deeper than irritation, there may actually be rage, or fear. Again the goal is to neither get rid of the rage or the fear nor to analize it, but to directly experience it. If rage or fear is revealed to be beneath irritation, than let your awareness go deeper. Let yourself be absolutely, completely and freely fearful without acting out or repressing.
Fear is often the biggest challenge. Because it is what most people habitually try to keep away. Of course, as they try to keep it away, it grows even larger and hovers even closer. What I am suggesting, is that you can actually open to fear. You can experience being afraid, without any need to say you are afraid and without following any thought of being afraid. You can simply experience fear itself.
When I speak of directly experiencing fear, I am not talking about psyiologically appropriate fear. Response to physical danger……fight or flight… natural and appropriate to the human organism. It is hard wired into the body for survival. But the fears that suggest be directly met all the way through are the psychological fears. The fear that keep our energy and attention bound unnecessarily in protection and defense. Such as the fear of emotional pain or the fear of loss or death. When a psychological fear is met rather than resisted and run from it often reveals an even deeper emotion……a deep sadness or hurt may be revealed under fear. This too can be directly and completely experienced with no need of a story line.
If you are willing experience these emotional layers all the way through you will finally approach what seems to be a deep abyss. This abyss is what the mind perceives to be nothingness…..emptiness….no body-ness. This is an important moment, because the willingness to be absolutely nothing….to be no body….is the willingness to be free. All of these emotional states or layers of defense against this experience of nothingness. The death of who you think you are. Once the defenses are down, once the door is open, then this nothingness that has been feared can be met fully. This meeting is the revelation of true self inquiry, revealing the secret gem of truth that has been hidden in the core of your own heart all along. The diamond discovered is you.”
Deep bows to Gangaji

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