
Saturday, December 21, 2019

dharma dog

She arrived on a Saturday. 

Surprising us all.

Her full and open heart

Like the return of an ancient tide.

The water sweeping through the house, 

Gushing into every corner and crevice,

Falling into the deepest parts.

Shifting the heaviest things

And dismissing anything unnecessary.

There may have been a calling.

A knowing.

A not knowing.

We could find no boundaries.

It was unimaginable that this love

Was meant for our undeserving hearts.

As the water encircled our feet,

The fear to be discovered as flawed,

And unforgivable was visceral.

This would be no half measure.

She was a sentinel. 

Her devotion to me was full and effortless.

Her faith in my kindness and care unwavering.

Everything I was and everything I was not.

She was a tunneller.

Diving into the darkness of my reluctant heart

With the skill of generations of diggers, searchers, finders.

I was her precious cargo.

She challenged me to see what was right there

My own pure unconditioned devotion.

Her departure was so sudden. 

The water drained from the house.

Our lives became unrecognizable.

In the end, she had surrendered everything.


No longer needing a painful body

And having no possessions,

All that was left

Was a very deep dive into her brown eyes

And a free fall into the boundless blue.

She came to us with a message.

Open your heart, it is safe.

We could love and were deserving of love.

our hearts were not so irreparably broken.

There was some capacity left over.

Our love was capable of healing her.

And her love was capable of healing us.

And so we did. 
And so she did.


  1. Completely beautifully expressed.. thank you, Norma

  2. Beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.

    Cindy and Shacee

  3. Heart warming words, thank you for sharing, Norma.
